Who makes the Leadership Team of the congregation?

The Board and the Ministers form the leadership team of the congregation. Both are accountable to the congregation, the Board through elections, and the Ministers through Call. Clergy are non-voting members of the Board. 

Responsibilities of the Board Board Positions Descriptions
UCoL Board Members 2025
Board Members Board Minutes
Community of Faith Process

We started the Community of Faith profile process because we believe it can assist us in articulating our community’s witness to the gospel, our vision, mission and ministry needs and provide a good summary of our resources so that our faith community is aware of our realities.

Please be sure to print and read the Community of Faith report to be prepared to discuss and vote on the two options included. The other 3 documents are context pieces that helped guide the 2 options presented in the Community of Faith report. 

2023 Community of Faith Report - For Voting 2017-2023 Financials, Offsets & Investments
Communicable Disease Prevention Plan

As of October 2022, the church and community user groups can resume their gatherings, taking precautions to prevent the spread of the communicable diseases.

Download the CDPP