United Churches of Langley
One Congregation - Two Locations!

We acknowledge with gratitude that we live and gather on the unceded and ancestral lands of the Kwantlen, Matsqui, Katzie and Semiahmoo people. We honour their faithful stewardship of the land and seek to walk in the Spirit of reconciliation.

Murrayville Site
21562 Old Yale Rd., Langley

Our presence in the heart of Langley's Murrayville neighbourhood - at historic "Five Corners" stems from the Sharon Presbyterian Church, that opened in 1890. The original pioneer church has been restored in recent years and known as Sharon Chapel nowadays. Our main worship space now is the new contemporary sanctuary added in 2005. The offices are housed at this location.

Fort Langley Site
9025 Glover Rd., Fort Langley

Our heritage church building, St. Andrew's Chapel, has been an integral part of the Fort Langley community since 1885. Today, besides Sunday worship, several exciting programs and gatherings of United Churches of Langley are taking place in the chapel and the church hall.

The History St. Andrew's Chapel

This video was created on the occasion of the 100th May Day in Fort Langley (in 2022). It connects the past and the present of this 137-year-old church, the oldest church in continual use in British Columbia.