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Refresh and Renew campaign surpassed our goal of raising $16,000 for our beautiful heritage buildings!

19 apples on our tree are now red! 

With last Sunday's offerings, the total raised is now $19,270!
Thank you for your generosity!
Any amounts over our goal will help reduce the amount taken from the Willoughby Fund.

There is still time to give to this important project until end of the day of July 28!


It’s time to Refresh and Renew our beautiful heritage buildings. There is structural and cosmetic damage to both of our buildings that is estimated to cost over $80,000. The Stewardship & Vitality Team has put together a plan to raise $16,000 in congregational contributions to this campaign.

We ask for your help!

We have been blessed with growing interest on our fund created from the sale of the Willoughby property that was owned by Jubilee United which became part of the United Churches of Langley assets when we came together as one congregation. We plan to use $40,000 from the Wiloughby interest to begin our fundraising campaign.

We were also blessed with a $24,000 Bequest from Dick Rees, created during the construction of the new sanctuary in Murrayville. In honour to his great love of this contribution and the church buildings he cared for in life, we thought it fitting to use his Bequest for this Refresh and Renew buildings project.

The benefits of our Langley congregations becoming ONE continue to bless us all!

Now here is our ask of you… for the legacy of our heritage buildings:
$16,000 is needed to round up the $64,000 from our legacy funds (Willoughby and Rees Bequest).

Ways to Give to Refresh & Renew Campaign:

We ask that you consider a donation above-and-beyond your regular General Giving to United Churches to help fund the legacy of safe, beautiful, welcoming buildings for generations to come.

You can give Online by credit card by clicking on the button above, or scanning the QR Code in the attached document.

Or by Cheque to UCoL (Make sure you write clearly in the Memo: Refresh & Renew)

We THANK YOU for your generosity and look forward to celebrating our success with beautiful garden party at both sites!