There are ways in which we follow God’s call and ways in which we call on God. With all the ways in which we are called today, it can feel like we are pulled in too many directions: we have 94 Calls to Action from the TRC report, friends and family are calling us to visit and meet up as restrictions are lifting, and the call and desire to open up is strong!
How can we focus on our own callings? Join us as we sit in the silence and song. Let’s discern our calls together. The psalmists lead us to God in heart, head and voice. Let us join in spirit with Christ as we call to God: with all we struggle with, all of our hurt, and confusion as well as our joy, celebration, trepidation and fears and also our questions and queries.
This week we continue to be especially attentive to the psalms and all that they bring to our liturgy. The Psalms serve as prayers, songs, praises and laments. What might you hear in the Psalms? Let us reveal the love within these verses, and the many ways the Psalms can help us put words to our hearts’ desires. Come and sing and pray the Psalms with us, as a blessing to one another and a gift to ourselves.