On April 10th after Sunday worship, the UCoL M&S Enthusiasts hosted a Soup & Bun Lunch in support of UCC M&S Fund. The event focused on the Let's Keep Talking Just Peace in Palestine & Israel UCC program - an invitation to the members of United Church faith communities to engage in “courageous conversations” about just peace in Palestine and Israel. Thank you to all who participated and contributed to the generous donation we collected that day for M&S.
Let us keep talking! We have just begun one step of the "Walk the Talk."
How then shall we live?—or—How shall we respond to last week’s learning session about Israel & Palestine?? Here’s some more information about the Unsettling Goods: Choose Peace in Palestine and Israel campaign. The United Church has selected two manufacturing companies and four retailers in Canada for engagement. The following online action resources are provided for helping with your shopping decisions and for engaging with retailers about selling settlement products.
Another action encouraged in the Unsettling Goods campaign, is to choose to learn about some of the trust-building initiatives and consider how you and your community of faith might support this work.