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Our LENTEN BIBLE STUDY will begin on Wednesday, March 12, at 10:30 am with Ash Wednesday service - just a week late, but still meaningful. It will include prayers, a reading of Psalm 51, candle lighting, and sharing the sign of the cross with water. Everyone is welcome to this service, to participate in whatever part is meaningful to you. 

Then, we will look at some of the issues brought out in Luke 6:27-38. These will be the focus for the weeks of Lent, including: judging others, debtors, loving your enemies, worry and anxiety, loving your neighbours, and grace and mercy. Each week, we will be looking at a word or concept, and putting it into the context of our own lives and the time we live in. What does the passage say? How do we use this in our present world? How can we turn from hard questions and easy answers, to contribute to the healing of the world? How can we celebrate a holy Lent with joy in the midst of confusion and uncertainty? For every difficulty that we encounter in the reading from Luke, there are blessings to share.  

Let's gather in community, to offer our reflections and stories, our concerns and our support.  Let us gather in strength as we journey the road together. Lent is a time to prepare for Easter.  Lent is a time to prepare the soil for spring planting.  Lent is a time for a spring cleaning of our souls.  What does Lent mean for you?

All are welcome on Wednesdays at 10:30 am in the sanctuary.